After finishing my master thesis in Munich, I have moved to Siegen in order to take a job as an assistant professor at a university where I once did my diploma, years ago. I've also grown up in this region.

Siegen is a small city (about 100,000 inhabitants) in the east of Cologne and in the north of Frankfurt. It is affected by rural, hilly landscapes, but also has strong regional characteristics like slang, food or the instustrial sector. The residential architecture of the drawing above is typical for Siegen (mostly from the 19th century), but somehow the contemporary architects of Siegen are not aware of this tradition.

I took several walks around the streets of my apartment - for the physical and sketching habituation! And I found a building in which design I was once involved when I was a student (bottom right). Today, it was quite warm outside, so I decided to do a video of me drawing a car. Unfortunately, the battery was low when I wanted to start watercolouring. Check it out:

by Florian Afflerbach