
Monday, December 30, 2013

Weitere Blick auf Reisenden Leuten

Der Deutschen Bahn gibt immer noch tollen Möglichkeit was mehr zu schaffen 

oder weiter zu schlafen 

Ich wünsche alle ein Guten Rutsch ins neues Jahr 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Dicke Buecher-Leserinnen

Two women reading real big books.
Yes, there is hope. People like to read big books.
16 November 2013 Sketched on the ICE train from Bremen to Hamburg and in Hamburg Airport while waiting for my flight to Teneriffa. The women on the right read Douglas Adams "Hichiker´s Guide to the Galaxy", a trilogy in four parts.
Pencil and ink on paper

Monday, December 23, 2013

Waves East of Barbados

Almost there. 250 nautical miles east of Barbados on the 9 December 2013. The wind was increasing and the waves coming from behind lifted the boat but went smooth under it. A feeling like going down a ski slope without a ski. The waves rolling in look gigantic and you hope you do not get wet.

Transatlantic to Barbados 2013

Almost in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean you get a feeling how small the humans are. The speed of a sailing boat with 8 knots is almost equal to the speed of a stage coach in the 19th century. Sketched on location 2 December 2013. The colorful sail is a gennaker of 88 square meters (about 1000 square feet). Our position was 15 degree 34´North and 040 degree 5´West (Take a look in Google Earth).

Sketched with pen, ink and watercolor while the boat was rocking and rolling.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Urban Sketchers Elects New Executive Board and Advisory Board

Urban Sketchers Elects New Executive Board and Advisory Board


Dec, 18, 2013

Urban Sketchers Elects New Executive Board and Advisory Board

Urban Sketchers is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to raising the artistic, storytelling, and educational value of location drawing, promoting its practice and connecting people around the world who draw on location where they live and travel.

On December 9, 2013,  the Urban Sketchers (USk) board of directors reorganized itself into two separate boards: the Executive Board and the Advisory Board.

The Executive Board consists of officers and committee directors who work together to carry out the business and mission of the organization on a day-to-day basis.

The Advisory Board is made up of people with a wide array of experience, knowledge, viewpoints and skills. This group, which includes many former members of the original USk Board, represents the international, multidisciplinary nature of USk. Its members act as advisors to the Executive Board and as advocates for USk’s mission.

With these teams in place, we look forward to a new year of “showing the world one drawing at time".

The Executive Board:


Jason Das, [former Vice President], Brooklyn, USA, │ Website

Vice President:
Elizabeth Alley, Memphis, USA │ Website

Marc Taro Holmes, Montreal, Canada │ Website

Gabriel Campanario, [former President], Seattle, USA │ Website

Executive Directors:

Development Director: 
Omar Jaramillo, Berlin, Germany │ Website

Education Director: 
Mário Linhares, Sintra, Portugal │ Website

Membership Director:  
Jessie Chapman, [former Membership Coordinator], Charlottesville, USA, │ Website

The Advisory Board:

Shari Blaukopf, Montreal, Canada  |  Website
Simo Capecchi, Naples, Italy  |  Website
Orling Dominguez, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic  |  Website
James Hobbs, London, United Kingdom  |  Website
Nina Johansson, Stockholm, Sweden  |  Website
Cathy Johnson, Kansas City, USA  |  Website
Veronica Lawlor, New York, USA  |  Website
José Louro, Lisbon, Portugal  |  Website
Shiho Nakaza, Los Angeles, USA  |  Website
Steve Reddy, Seattle, USA  |  Website
Jim Richards, Fort Worth, USA  |  Website
Tia Boon Sim, Singapore, Republic of Singapore  |  Website
Paul Wang, Singapore, Republic of Singapore  |  Website

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Careenage, Bridgetown, Barbados

The Careenage in Bridgetown is a natural harbour. We stayed most of the time of our stay anchoring in Carlisle Bay just around the corner.
Sketched on location.
Pencil, ink and watercolor on paper.

Busby Alley in Bridgetown, Barbados

I promised these two young schoolkids Mya (left) and Dashanta (right) and her grandmother to put this sketch here. They had christmas vacation.
Mya and Dashanta, here is your sketch.
Pencil, ink, watercolor on paper.
Sketched on location December 15, 2013 in Barbados.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Transatlantic with sailing yacht Doertita 2013

This sketch I made on the 2nd December at latitude 15 degree 34`North and 40 degree 5 `West in the middle of the Atlantic. We were three guys and it took us 22 days from the Canary Islands to Barbados in the Caribbean. We saw only two other sailing ships, only water, flying fish, clouds and dolphins.
The ship was rolling all the time, so I started with soft pencil and then went under deck to the fine work while trying to hold everything. It was never more difficult to draw for me.
The boat is a forty feet yacht and she carried us safely to Barbados.
Pencil, ink and water color on paper.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Berlin im November

Hier ein paar Skizzen von meinem Novemberwochenende in Berlin.
Schön wars, es hat mich gefreut, mal die Berliner Sketcher kennzulernen, auch wenn ich sie nicht sonderlich treffend zeichnete.

Der Sketchcrawl in der Humboldtbox

Ein Abstecher ins Buchstabenmuseum, das gerade renoviert wurde, aber inzwischen wieder offen hat.

Und schließlich die Rückfahrt, die sich dank der tatkräftigen Mithilfe der Deutschen Bahn um drei Stunden verlängerte...

Monday, December 9, 2013


2 mal je 2 1-Stationen Fahrten in der Berliner S-Bahn. Gesichter stehlen im Zug und auf den Bahnsteigen. Ein Monumentaler Reinigungs-Mann besteigt am Westkreuz die Ringbahn.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sammlung von schlafenden arbeiter, Collection of sleeping workers on the train.

                     Recently sketched sleeping workers and people on the train mostly on the 6.30am
neulich skizziert schlafenden Arbeiter in den Zug, meistens 7.30 morgens

Bestempelte U-Bahnfahrer

Bin mit D. und P. in der Ausstellung "Arte Postale" gewesen. Da gab es auch Stempel, die man benutzen durfte, was uns verleitete, wie die Kinder wild drauflos zu stempeln... Ein paar Seiten bestempelt und danach in der U-Bahn und im Café reingezeichnet.


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Kottbusser Tor

kottbussertor_281113 u1_261113u1_281113u2_lo_281113   

_diesen Nachmittag (halbsechs pm > blau zu schwarz), und U-Bahn-Volk auf dem Weg dorthin.

 Wir haben zur Zeit in der nahegelegenen Ritterstrasse zu tuen (Zeug an die Wände hängen, für unsere berlin.urbansketches-Gruppenaustellung im AID)

Eröffnung: Samstag 30.11., 19:00, AID Berlin, Ritterstr 12-14, Aufgang 2 - kommt, wenn Ihr in Berlin seid!


 Zürich im Regen

 Stuttgart nach einem sonnigen Tag
– Warten auf das Boarding am Gate 144

Warten auf dem Vorfeld

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Viel zu selten komme ich gerade vor die Tür. Und diese wenigen Male versuche ich zu zeichnen.
Blick aus dem Büro auf die Tübinger Stiftskirche...

Im Schatten des Blauen Turms in Tübingen.

Ich habe mich das erste Mal versucht, einen Oldtimer zu zeichnen, den ich am Strassenrand entdeckt habe. Also vor der Arbeit den Dreibeinhocker ausgepackt und losgelegt. Leider ist mir das Objekt meiner Begierde kurz vor der Vollendung davongefahren, so dass ich die rechte untere Ecke aus dem Kopf fertigstellen musste. Sieht man.......

Kunstwochenende in Berlin

War am Samstag auf der Vernissage von Christoph Niemann in Berlin. Eine sehr erfrischende und lustige Ausstellung. Unbedingt zu empfehlen!
Das Vernissagenpublikum zeigte neben dem üblichen Schwarz diesmal auch bunte Strumpfhosen, sogar in Neonpink, und wildes Schuhwerk, wie diese dominatauglichen Lackpumps mit Nieten.

Am Sonntag ging es zur artbookberlin, wo Künstler ihre (Buch)werke zeigten und auf Verleger oder Sammler hofften. Man konnte Unikate bestaunen und Siebdrucke oder Holzschnitte kaufen. Habe mir zwei Bücher mit tollen Illustrationen gekauft (gedruckt und zu einem normalen Preis): Märchen von Oskar Wilde und ein Buch mit Texten von Tucholsky und Illustrationen von Klaus Ensikat.

Danach heiße Schokolade und Kuchen im "Fräulein Wild". Eine Wohlfühloase im feuchtkalten November.

Monday, November 18, 2013


_ von der Brücke des ICC (International Congress Center), Berlin. (<hier ein Bild von (fast) Innen)

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Hello all my name is Conor Coady and I come from Dublin Ireland. I learned about urban sketchers from my wife Antje who is from Binz auf Rügen and has been an urban sketching member since 2010. We both attended the Barcelona symposium this past summer which was a great experience and one which has changed the way I work, it was also a great opportunity to meet so many talented and inspirational artists. Since then we`ve met up with Berlin Urban Sketchers on a couple of occasions and gotten to know some of the regular contributors to the blog (which has been an equally gratifiying experience). We´ve been living in Berlin since 2011 with our cat “Dicke”.

Below are some samples of recent work I´ve done on and off Berlin public transport system, more of which you can find on my blog at  

Justus Delbruck Haus Jammlitz

Chicken on the roof in Köpenick

ich verspreche in zukunft mehr Deutsch zu schreiben.